How to write an objection letter.

How and where you can submit your   objections:

Make sure your objection letter is received at the North Northamptonshire Council Planning Department by the closing date, which   we currently believe to be 20th December 2021

(Please note that he closing date is NOT 6th December 2021, as stated  on many of the  NNC Planning Notifications posted locally)

You can submit your objections   in 3 different ways:

Please make sure you do not   leave it until the last minute.

All objections MUST be received at the council office by the closing date, as above.

What must be included in your email / letter:

When writing your objection  email or letter, you MUST  include the following otherwise you  objections shall be disregarded:

  • Include the planning application reference number: NE/21/00498/FUL
  • Include the planning application title: 138 Homes off  Shirley Road / Prospect Avenue, Rushden, Northamptonshire
  • Include your name (this will not be published but it must be included)
  • Include your home address (this will not be published but it must be included)
  • If sending  an email you MUST also include the planning ref  (NE/21/00498/FUL) in the email subject line
  • You must say that you ‘OBJECT’ to the development, not  just ‘concerned’, for the following reasons…….
  • You then need to list material objections (i.e. relevant to the council granting or refusing planning permission). Include at least three objections (but the more the better), although there are about 150 listed on this site.

Please do NOT submit an objection letter/email with out the above information being included.

If you are working as a group, maybe take it to a central point/ person, who can collate the letters and deliver them all to the council together. However, each letter should be written from a single house, not a group of houses – even with 20 signatures it only counts as one letter. Remember though, that draft plans may be changed until point of submission, so you may want to wait until submission, to ensure your objections remain relevant.

More information about writing an objection letter is below:

We have also attached a template to help you get started in writing your objections here (template objection letter) and have also listed lots of material objections, street by street, here.

NE/21/00498/FUL | Construction of 138 dwellings, including creation of a new vehicular and pedestrian access from Prospect Avenue | Land Off Shirley Road Rushden Northamptonshire (

(guidance based on based on

1. Write the application reference number and name/address of the scheme at the top of your letter.

This makes sure that there is no confusion as to which application you are objecting. This is less of an issue if you choose to make your representations by way of the online system that East Northants Council (now North Northants Council) use because you have to navigate your way to the application in question before you can submit your objections.

2. Make clear that you object. State in bold, capital letters in the very first sentence ‘I OBJECT to this application for the following reasons…’

If you don’t make this clear, your letter will be put in the ‘neutral’ pile by the case officer and discounted, so you will have wasted your time! Also, write your address, so the local authority knows you come from the local area in question.

3. Refer to development plan.

Each Town has a development plan and we have listed many aspects of this application that conflict with the Rushden Development Plan. As far as possible, for each point you make, explain why it is contrary to the development plan and list the relevant policy reference.

4. Make clear if there are any other material considerations that should be taken into account.

These are matters which policy does not cover but are planning issues of importance. There is a list of material considerations below.

5. Don’t be emotive, focus on the issues.

Members of the planning committee will consider objections made solely on the planning matters, not more ‘personal’ arguments.

6. Consider the public interest – explain how the development affects the local community as a whole.

Think about the impact on the environment and public health, the restriction of movement, unsightly impact on the locality, crime etc

7. Always use evidence to support a point.

Rather than just making an assertion that cannot be backed up (even if, in your heart of hearts, you know it to be true). If at all possible, refer to planning case law on an equivalent matter.

8. Make as many points as you can – at least 3 and maybe more!

Give the planning officer and members the ammunition they need to justify refusing the application.

9. Use pictures to make your point.

Don’t just say that the site floods, or there are bats there – Take a picture and make sure than the photo includes the date and time it was taken.

10. Get your comments in on time.

Late comments may be taken into account, particularly if your views don’t cause any delay in the decision, but you can’t rely on this. If you are sending an email, then include a postal address.

Click here for   Material Objections – Street by Street