Ilke homes updated consultation documents do not meet key material objections already raised!

** Please send you OBJECTION letter/email to North Northamptonshire Council to arrive

no later than 20th December 2021 **


Construction Access and Abnormally Wide Loads through Higham Ferrers, Queensway, Manor Way and The Hedges to Prospect Avenue Site Access (Eight abnormal loads per week for 4 years!)

Access to the Development from Prospect Avenue & Development Design Issues

Whilst some tweaks have been made to the design of the development, previous material objections are still relevant and further objections are now being raised because of the detrimental impact to Prospect Avenue residents.  There is No safe access to the site and the only logical and safe access is from John Clark Way.  (Indeed the owner of the land between John Clark Way and the Development in their planning application documentation (NE_21_00518_OUT-PLANNING_STATEMENT-496278.pdf)  states that they would work with Ilke Homes and the Co-OP to give access to the development from John Clark Way and that this would be an “Opportunity”. They say they could deliver an access road with capacity to serve the development and are eager to work with Ilke Homes.)


For more detailed  Material Objections see our Objections and Streets Pages   page