Firdale Avenue

There are many detailed points below, including policy references to evidence the reason for objections related to your streets. Remember in your letter to include the council planning reference number and to state that you OBJECT to the planning proposal, otherwise your letter won’t be counted. You can use our template to help you to compose your letter (link).

The types of things that have been highlighted as material objections for your streets include:

• The new estate is proposed to be 100% social housing and very dense. These kinds of estates have been associated with higher crime rates and Central Government recommends a mix of housing now.
• The plans do not include any play areas or sufficient open spaces, as required by local planning strategy. Ilke Homes suggests that the St James play area should serve their estate.
• Most occupants of Firdale Avenue are older and concerned about additional noise and crime from the St James Play Park backing onto their homes as Ilke propose this to be used by the additional 135 homes. This is against local policy as Ilke should be providing play areas for the children.
• The new estate has very poor provision for older and disabled people, including many cul de sacs without footpaths and very narrow footpaths, i.e. at the entrance to the estate.
• More congestion to Higham Road, as this is the only way in and out of the estate for the extra 330 cars. Previous planning policies state John Clarke Way as the access point, (i.e. East Northamptonshire District Local Plan 1996 – Rushden Strategy Statement Policy RU3 (page 140); and Three Towns Plan (ENC), 2011)

For more detailed material objections to include, see the sections in ‘News: Material Objection’ labelled ‘Highway Safety’, ‘Flooding and Drainage’, ‘Environment and Biodiversity’, ‘Health’, ‘Children’ and ‘Safety and Crime’ (link). You can download the template letter to insert your objections using link above.